We have a great leadership team at Reliance that has a "can do" attitude! If you need something, and you need it now, Reliance will bend over backwards to make it happen! We love our Customers and our Customers love us! We want to be the "Supplier of the Year" for every Customer we serve. We understand how blessed we are to have Customers and we want to give our Customers World Class Customer Service!
We know that World Class Customer Service comes from World Class Employees, and we have them! Our Team that does our receiving, packaging, order picking and allocating are just as vital as the Team that does our sales, marketing, managing, accounting and customer service. We are a Family and a Team and it takes everyone doing their job to the best of their ability to deliver our famous World Class Customer Service.
Contact us today and Let's Make Big Things Happen!
Jason H. O'Haire, General Manager
(904) 425-1329
Damian Sepeda, Customer Service Manager
(904) 425-9672